It was also bland, boring, and had a strange texture. I paired it with a questionable vinagerette, which didn't help the situation. I like low starch meals as much as the next person, but I would rather eat an entire plate of cabbage and eggs for dinner than deal with that stuff again. I guess that's not saying much considering I like both cabbage and eggs (combined even), but you get the idea.
I didn't always love cabbage. Actually, I thought it was fairly gross most of my childhood. I think it was more because of the smell than anything. Well, that and the fact that I think my mom planted at least 45 heads each summer and we would eat it for 4 weeks straight every August. I exaggerate, but not as much as you would think.
The smell would linger in the house for 24 hours and smelled like a combination of dirty hobo and feet when it was boiled. Lingering odor also contributed to my hatred of ramps.
I have a sensitive nose; it creates problems. I'm also overly dramatic about smells.
Since this blog has a lot to do with eating and food, I'll save my more colorful smell stories for another time and place.
Once I was out on my own and buying my own groceries, I started to realize how cheap cabbage really is. Due to my great love of bargains and fresh produce, I had to give it another try. After all, I love cole slaw, so how bad can it be?
Turns out I love fried cabbage and there's all sorts of fun things you can do with it. Add some jalapeno peppers, some bacon? Braise it with some cider? It's good stuff. It also soaks up spice really easily. Considering I went through a phase that involved me putting cayenne pepper on nearly everything I cooked, this is an added bonus for me. It's not exactly fancy dinner material, but it's hearty enough to replace a starch, which is also nice.
This photo isn't going to win any prizes, but it's simple to make and really quite good.
Actually, none of my photos are going to win any prizes. Any and all donations that will go toward me taking a photography class that will enable me to stop embarrassing myself on this site are appreciated.
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